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Igo Gomes Guimaraes (Laboratory Head)

Foto do coordenador Profº Dr. Igo Gomes Guimarães 

Founder and current Head of the laboratory at Universidade Federal de Goias, Regional Jataí.

He has a bachelor in Animal Science from Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Master and PhD in animal science with the major on fish nutrition at UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista). During his PhD, he attended the Aquatic Animal Health Research Unit do USDA at Auburn-AL-USA performing part of his research project supervised by Dr. Chhorn Lim. In 2013, he was member of the National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (Bergen, Norway) as a visiting research. Currently, he is an associate professor from Universidade Federal de Goias, Regional Jataí and develops nutritional studies on Neotropical Fish Species, with emphasis to tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), using ecological, biochemical, physiological and genomics as tools. He is currently supervising 3 PhD students and 3 master students in different graduate programs. He is reviwer from 9 different scientific journals and Research Foundations (FACEPE and CNPq). The main interest in research are: determination of nutrient requirement of fish and its correlation to immune function; physiological and biochemical mechanisms of nutrient absorption in fish, with emphasis to the neotropical fish, tambaqui.